Thursday, 31 July 2008

Hey guys, I'm really guted!

I done this months 11 Second Club, finished it hours ago, well on time!

I've been up all night trying to upload it but it just hasn't worked, I have no idea why, the video was the correct size, I checked everything a million times!

But the deadlines gone now and it's nearly 5am and I have to get up for work in less than 2 hours!!!! I've been up all night :(

Sooo figured the only thing to make me feel better would be to upload my final animation here!

So check it out and let me know what you think :D


11 Second Club said...

Hey. We received your animation and it's all set for voting. Check it out tomorrow at

Unknown said...

thats so cool he moves so seamlessly
good job man

Luke Barnett said...

thats wicked man

very smooth

good job mast

Kater D said...

Really cool stuff AJ, I love the stuff with the hands and the way he turns to look at whoever he's talking too. I think the beginning is the best bit :]

Personally I would have made him look more, idno, determined when he's says "he has a gift" for the second time, he's really making a statement, and I think some more expressions in his eyebrows would have made it perfect.

Sorry for being so nitpicky :P